The workaround I came up with, is to use an overlay file system to make the kernel modules directory writable.
Here's the workaround:
# Remount the kernel module directory /.modloop as an overlay, to allow writing modprobe overlay mkdir -p /.modloop.lower /.modloop.upper /.modloop.workdir mount /dev/loop0 /.modloop.lower umount /.modloop/ mount -t overlay -o lowerdir=/.modloop.lower,upperdir=/.modloop.upper,workdir=/.modloop.workdir none /.modloop lbu include /.modloop.upper lbu commit -d # Manually get the Wireguard kernel module to avoid installing the wireguard-rpi2 which does not work with diskless systems cd /tmp pkgname=$(apk list | grep wireguard-rpi2 | cut -d " " -f 1) wget$pkgname.apk mkdir /tmp/$pkgname tar -xzf $pkgname.apk -C /tmp/$pkgname mkdir -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/ cp /tmp/$pkgname/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/wireguard.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/ rm -fr /tmp/$pkgname /tmp/$pkgname.apk depmod # Create an init script to remount the /.modloop overlay on next boot cat > /etc/init.d/modloopoverlay <<EOF #!/sbin/openrc-run depend() { before networking need modules } start() { ebegin "Starting modloop overlay" modprobe overlay mkdir -p /.modloop.lower /.modloop.upper /.modloop.workdir if [ ! -d /.modloop.lower/modules ]; then mount /dev/loop0 /.modloop.lower fi umount /.modloop mount -t overlay -o lowerdir=/.modloop.lower,upperdir=/.modloop.upper,workdir=/.modloop.workdir none /.modloop eend 0 } EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/modloopoverlay /etc/init.d/modloopoverlay restart rc-update add modloopoverlay boot lbu include /etc/init.d/modloopoverlay apk add wireguard-tools # Create an init script to start wg0 cat > /etc/init.d/wg0 <<EOF #!/sbin/openrc-run depend() { need networking ntpd modloopoverlay } start() { ebegin "Starting Wireguard tunnel wg0" ntpd -n -q -p date wg-quick up wg0 eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping Wireguard tunnel wg0" wg-quick down wg0 eend 0 } EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/wg0 /etc/init.d/wg0 restart rc-update add wg0 default lbu include /etc/init.d/wg0 lbu commit -d # inspect the overlay file tar -tvf /media/mmcblk0p1/localhost.apkovl.tar.gz
I am facing this issue too (Alpine in diskless mode, but not rPI) and trying to decide how to deal with it. How does your approach compare with what's in the Alpine wiki in "Running with modloop" section?